Vertigo treatment in ayurveda
According to Ayurveda, vertigo, known as Bhrama, is linked to an imbalance in two of the body’s vital energies, Vata and Pitta. It is believed that our bodies are primarily formed by three energies known as Vata, Pitta, and Kapha, each in a unique proportion. When these energies are in harmony, our bodies function optimally and diseases are less likely to occur.
In the case of Bhrama, it’s the Pitta dosha that’s primarily involved. Excessive consumption of fatty, fried, spicy, and sour foods, along with heightened stress and anxiety, can disturb the Pitta dosha. When this imbalance combines with Vata dosha, it can lead to vertigo, causing symptoms like dizziness, nausea, and more.
In Ayurveda, treatment focuses on restoring the balance of these doshas through proper nutrition, herbal remedies, oils, detoxification processes, yoga, and other therapies to alleviate the symptoms of vertigo and promote overall well-being.