Nadi Vaidyam
Among these, Nadi plays a very important role in the diagnosis of vyadhi(disease). The term Nadi refers to pulse/ Nerve / Veins/Arteries or channels in our body through which physiological or pathological changes in our body can be detected. It is comprehensive and reaches the root cause of health issues, not merely addressing the symptoms.
Nadi Parikshan is widely used for 5000 Years for the Diagnosis of tridoshas in the body and concludes the disease. Often, the patient is treated based on the symptoms of the disorder, which is helpful but gives only temporary relief and has few limitations.
In Nadichikitsa, expert from Vaidya Wellness Centre, achieve symptomatic relief by analyzing patients’ physical, physiological, and psychological conditions, which helps eliminate the disease from its roots. In Ayurveda, every disease is categorized based on Vata, Pitta & Kapha (commonly known as doshas), which are the constituents of our body. Any imbalance in these constituents causes disease, which can be easily assessed by Nadiparikshan. That is why a comprehensive and preventive treatment can be planned, which reduces the symptoms and works to eradicate the root cause of disease.

At Vaidya Wellness Centre, Nadi Pariksha is performed on the precise location of the wrist, at the radial artery, using the index, middle & ring fingers corresponding to Vata, pitta, and Kapha respectively. These signals are obtained from the contraction and relaxation of blood vessels and the blood flow through the artery.
Nadi Vaidya (Doctor) feels the Specific Movement(Laya), Speed(Gati), and Pattern of Movements in the artery and according to it, he can diagnose changes in the human body regarding tridoshas and sapta dhatus. Nadi Vaidya can diagnose the accurate and root cause of the patient’s symptoms and forewarn the patient about potential health risks. He can also give the patient an insight into how to optimize health and give him a personalized prognosis about Vyadhi.