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Migraine Treatment in KPHB Hyderabad. Migraine is a severe headache affecting 1 or more in 10 people and is basically caused by excessive stimulation of blood vessels. Indigestion, anger, stress, intake of salty and spicy food, excessive exposure to sunlight, skipping meals, tension headaches, and alcohol are some common causes of this intolerable headache. Ayurveda has numerous effective remedies for migraines. Here are a few solutions to help you fight this problem. It’s also associated with symptoms like nausea, vomiting, and increased sensitivity to sound or light. When these symptoms occur, it’s called a migraine attack. In conventional medicine, migraine is typically treated with pharmaceutical medications and lifestyle changes. If these treatments don’t relieve your symptoms or if you prefer more natural remedies, you may be interested in adding an integrative approach.Although some people have found migraine relief with Ayurveda, there isn’t scientific evidence to support its use. Some treatments might also be harmful.

How is Migraine Treated?

Migraine Treatment in Ayurveda is Shirolepa and shiro dhara are popularly used Ayurveda treatments on all types of migraine patients. Shirolepa is the application of effective herbal pastes containing camphor, sandalwood, jatamansi, and many more on the affected area. Shiro Dhara is the process of pouring a stream of thin to thick liquids over the scalp for a specified amount of time. These remedies are very commonly used and are known for their successful healing properties.


Migraine Treatment in kphb hyderabad

What are the common causes of Migraine?

Migraines have a complex neurological origin involving multiple factors, although the precise cause remains not fully understood according to research. Some contributing factors to migraines include:

  • Genetics: The familial prevalence of migraines suggests a potential genetic component to the condition.
  • Environmental triggers: Factors such as shifts in weather, exposure to bright lights or loud noises, and specific smells or odors can trigger migraines in susceptible individuals.
  • Hormonal changes: Fluctuations in estrogen levels, especially in women, can prompt migraines, explaining the higher frequency in women compared to men.
  • Lifestyle factors: Inadequate sleep, heightened stress levels, and irregular eating habits have been identified as potential triggers for migraines.

According to modern medicine, migraines constitute a neurological disease resulting in a pulsating headache accompanied by severe pain, typically on one side of the head. Additionally, migraines can induce symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, and heightened sensitivity to sound and light.

The pain associated with migraines often localizes in areas such as the eyes, neck, nose, head, and face. Expanding on this, modern medicine classifies migraine pains into eight distinct types:

  1. Migraine with aura
  2. Migraine without aura
  3. Migraine without head pain
  4. Hemiplegic migraine
  5. Retinal migraine
  6. Chronic migraine
  7. Migraine with brainstem aura
  8. Status migrainosus

When a migraine headache emerges, its duration can range from four to 72 hours or even longer.


Ayurvedic Remedies for Migraine

In Ayurveda, the association of migraines with an imbalance in the Pitta dosha, especially when it affects the head and nervous system, is common. The Ayurvedic approach to migraine treatment centers on restoring balance to Pitta, mitigating inflammation, and addressing underlying causes. It’s crucial to emphasize the need for personalized treatment plans, considering the variability in specific triggers and imbalances. Here are some general Ayurvedic strategies for migraine treatment:

Dietary Recommendations: Adopt a Pitta-pacifying diet by prioritizing cooling, hydrating, and easily digestible foods. Incorporate sweet, bitter, and astringent tastes, focusing on fresh fruits, vegetables, and whole grains, while reducing or avoiding spicy, salty, and sour foods.

Herbal Remedies: Consider Ayurvedic herbs like Brahmi, Shankhpushpi, Jatamansi, and Guduchi for their calming and Pitta-balancing properties.

Oil Massage (Abhyanga): Regularly massage the head, neck, and shoulders with cooling oils such as coconut oil or Brahmi oil to soothe the nervous system.

Nasya: Explore nasal administration of medicated oils (Nasya) to rebalance Pitta and alleviate symptoms.

Ayurvedic Therapies: Consider Panchakarma therapies like Shirodhara (continuous oil pouring on the forehead) and Shirobasti (head oil pooling) to reduce Pitta in the head region.

Sheetali Pranayama: Engage in cooling pranayama techniques like Sheetali, involving inhaling through the curled tongue, to cool both the body and mind.

Lifestyle Recommendations: Establish a consistent daily routine to provide stability and support the overall well-being.

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