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Lordosis Treatment in KPHB Hyderabad. Lordosis is a medical term referring to an excessive inward curvature of the spine, specifically in the lower back. Also known as swayback, this condition causes the spine to curve more than normal, creating a distinctive C-shaped arch. Lordosis can be categorized into cervical lordosis (affecting the neck), lumbar lordosis (affecting the lower back), or a combination of both. While some degree of lordotic curvature is natural and essential for spine flexibility, an exaggerated lordosis can lead to discomfort, back pain, and mobility issues. Causes of lordosis may include poor posture, obesity, certain neuromuscular conditions, or structural abnormalities.

Lordosis treatment in ayurveda

Lordosis, also known as swayback, is a condition characterized by an excessive inward curve of the spine. Unlike the normal curves in the cervical, thoracic and lumbar regions, which are either kyphotic (near the neck) or lordotic (closer to the low back), lordosis disrupts the natural alignment of the spine.Treatment options often involve physical therapy, exercises to strengthen core muscles, and lifestyle adjustments to address underlying causes and alleviate symptoms. Understanding and managing lordosis is crucial for maintaining spinal health and overall well-being.


Lordosis Treatment in kphb hyderabad

Causes of Lordosis

Causes of Lordosis

Lumbar lordosis refers specifically to an excessive inward curve in the lumbar region. Some additional symptoms to be vigilant about include numbness, tingling, electric shock pains, weak bladder control, weakness and difficulty maintaining muscle control. Lordosis can affect people of all ages and several factors may contribute to its development:

  • Traumatic Lordosis: Caused by an injury to the spine, such as a fracture. Osteoporosis, which weakens the bones, can increase the risk of fractures.


  • Congenital Lordosis: Stemming from inherited conditions like achondroplasia, which affects cartilage growth or problems with spinal development during childhood.


  • Postural Lordosis: Caused by uneven posture, often worsened by overweight or weak abdominal muscles straining the lower back.


  • Neuromuscular Lordosis: Linked to neuromuscular conditions like muscular dystrophy and cerebral palsy.


  • Postsurgical Lordosis: Results from back surgery that reduces the stability of the spine, such as a laminectomy or selective dorsal rhizotomy.


  • Secondary Lordosis: Arises from other conditions, possibly other spinal curves like kyphosis or scoliosis or conditions affecting the hip joints.


  • Obesity: Carrying excess weight can cause the bones and muscles to lean backward to improve balance.


  • Osteoporosis: Age and other factors can weaken and make bones brittle, leading to curvature of the spine.

Ayurvedic Remedies for Scoliosis

Lordosis refers to the inward curvature of the spine, particularly in the lumbar (lower back) and cervical (neck) regions. Ayurvedic treatment for lordosis focuses on balancing the doshas, primarily Vata, and strengthening the spine to correct the curvature. Here are some general Ayurvedic approaches to lordosis treatment:

Dietary Recommendations:

Follow a Vata-pacifying diet, including warm, nourishing, and easily digestible foods.

Incorporate foods rich in calcium and magnesium for bone health, such as leafy green vegetables, dairy products, sesame seeds, and almonds.

Herbal Remedies:

Ayurvedic herbs that support bone health, like Ashwagandha, Shatavari, and Guggul, may be recommended.

External Applications:

Massage the affected areas with warm herbal oils like Mahanarayana oil or Bala oil to improve circulation and nourish the spine.

Herbal Poultices (Upanaha):

Applying warm herbal poultices to the spine may be beneficial for promoting flexibility and reducing stiffness.

Ayurvedic Therapies:

Panchakarma therapies such as Abhyanga (full-body oil massage) and Basti (medicated enema) may be recommended to nourish and strengthen the spine.

Yoga and Exercise:

Practice yoga postures that focus on strengthening the muscles surrounding the spine, including poses like Bhujangasana (Cobra Pose), Setu Bandhasana (Bridge Pose), and Tadasana (Mountain Pose).

Engage in regular exercises that promote core strength and overall flexibility.

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